Monday, April 19, 2010

The Arrival in Naples

So here we are. The Adams Family in Italy via the US Navy. I gave up my job, friends, (son - well, I only gave him to his father for a few months!) rented my house and joined my husband here for three years in Naples, Italy with my daughter Alexandra - who after just one week has changed her name to Alessandra.

Our journey here seemed almost to foretell life in Naples. We left Norfolk, VA aboard a government 767 on Tuesday, April 7, 2010. We flew for almost four hours toward our first stop of Lodjes in the Azores. Unfortunately, they were fogged in and 30 minutes prior to landing, we TURNED AROUND - yes all the way around - and landed back in Norfolk. So just over 6 hours of flying and we were back where we started. Put up in a hotel, dogs and all, and then back out the next night. This time, we made it all the way. Tired and bedraggled.

So we are here now. Our home is in a town outside of Naples called Licola. The house is lovely - but cold with the tile floors. But it's home for the next two years and nine months. And so it begins...

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