The Carillon or Glockenspiel. Played for us at 5 p.m. and it was great. We waited quite a long time in the city square for the time to come and wouldn't you know, Alex had to use the rest room a 1 minute until 5 p.m.! I sent her into a restaurant - and I waited outside. She made it back in time to see the show! The top part of the clock is a celebration of the marriage of a Duke Wilhelm V to Renata. The bottom is a traditional Schäfflerstanz (the coopers' dance). In the 16th century a particularly bad period of the plague hit town and everyone went into hiding. The first people to dare go back onto the streets were barrel makers who performed a big dance to show that it was okay to come out again. The Duke of Bavaria was so happy about this that he actually ordered them to re-enact this every seven years, a custom which continues to this day. (Next one is 2012, maybe we'll be there?) (*I stole that from Wikipedia, just wanted to be honest!)
The gargoyle, I just liked him mainly because he looks like he might of just passed gas! I know, odd sense of humor I have!
The cherub slaying the snake was one of four representing the four evils of the world on the fountain in the middle of the square.
I wish I was better at figuring out how to edit the photos in these posts so it does not require you to roll around to see which photo I'm talking about. One day I'm just going to spend the day figuring it all out!
Now, I've been blogging now for three hours to catch things up and we have not even hit the Alps yet??!! Lenny did not get to enjoy Munich as we departed on Saturday morning to head to the infamous Neuschwanstein Castle on our way to Innsbruck.
Next up, Castles...
P.S. There is only limited space to upload photos here. I have been posting most of our best photos on Facebook. If you want to see them, you can find us on FB at lennyandsandy@yahoo.com or just send me an email and I can send you links to view our full photo album.
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